Thursday, March 24, 2011

Private Security as a job

I wanted to take a moment and talk about something very important. PRIVATE SECURITY COMPANIES.

Although you may not notice them they are out there keeping you safe every day. Private Security Companies work in several types of places. Schools, Businesses, Apartments, Factories and many other places. You most likely enter a place where there is some form of private security every day and don't even realize it.

As a job Private Security can be really boring. From a personal stand point it can get so repetitive that the officers almost tend to get to lazy in their work. I for one have had this problem personally and professionally before. With this being said I came up with a list of new things that security officers can do while on the job to help them stay focused and more importantly help keep everyone SAFE!!!!

1) Stay awake (sounds simple right?) A lot of private security companies work odd hours (third shift) in apartment complexes and some businesses. So to stay awake is a MUST for any private security officer at a boring site. To be able to stay awake you must task yourself certain jobs throughout the night. Whether it be checking all the lights in an apartment complex to make sure they are all working properly. Checking fire doors in a business. There are lots of things that can be done to stay awake just have to find something that works for you.
2) Staying focused: A lot of things can happen when you least expect it. Whether it is helping local law enforcement or calling in a fire or a medical incident that is happening at your work site. Staying focused and knowing what to do at that critical moment is crucial to your job.
3) Think it through: When a tough situation comes up you must think it through. Don't jump in to the situation head first because you could end up getting hurt or doing something illegal in the process. As a private security officer you must think before and during any of your actions and thing through what the consequences could be for any actions you could take. Again this sounds simple but a lot of security officers just REACT which is the wrong thing to do.
4) Be professional: Your appearance and personality must remain professional at all times. You must be able to wear many hats so to speak. A lot like police officers who are usually first on site for a lot of incidents we as private security officers are there usually while the problem is still occurring. In any scenario we must remain professional while on site. Whether it is a drunken college student yelling at you or dealing with a disgruntled employee at a business. It is all in how we handle the situation. Remaining professional and being "understanding" can help defuse any situation before it gets out of hand.
5) HAVE FUN: Remember having fun at work (to a point) will help with all of these things. You can still have some sort of fun at work just gotta follow the first 4 steps without causing any problems to do so.

Private security as a job can be very rewarding and very demanding of your personal life and of your time. But in the end to be able to help out one or maybe two people can make it all worth it in the end.


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